思考制造播客- bt365体育娱乐-bt365体育娱乐


欢迎来到“关注制造业”,” a new monthly podcast series brought to you by bt365体育娱乐 dedicated to covering timely fabrication/machining topics affecting today’s manufacturers, 重点是汽车, 航空航天, 加工车间, 模具 & 模具,以及365体育娱乐官网365体育娱乐官网.

Our goal is to keep you informed about the latest technology, 趋势, and best practices while gaining actionable insights from leading industry experts.

找个座位坐下, 你的耳机, and kick back and listen as our guests share their experiences, 奇闻异事, 提示, 技巧, 更多的是与工业制造有关.



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亚特兰大制造技术 听现在


bt365体育娱乐’s Application Manager for Fabrication Mike Koch shares what’s in store at FABTECH November 8, 亚特兰大9号和10号, 包括最新的激光, 自动化和压刹车. The Minds on Manufacturing podcast discusses timely fabrication and machining topics impacting today’s manufacturers.

麦考密克的地方 听现在


The International Manufacturing 技术 Show is right around the corner–September 12th 在芝加哥麦考密克广场到17号. 在这一集里, bt365体育娱乐’s Mike Bystrek shares what’s in store at this highly anticipated event, 包括最新的电线和下沉电火花机的演示, 自动化和精密铣床.


Manufacturing Re-Tooled: Adapting the Manufacturing Process to a Changing Environment

bt365体育娱乐 激光 and 折弯机 Applications Manager Michael Koch discusses solutions to some of the biggest challenges currently facing manufacturers, 包括劳动力短缺, 材料成本飞涨, diminishing material quality and the negative effects of high-powered lasers on 生产速度. 在bt365体育娱乐公司长达十年的职业生涯中, 科赫曾在该机构任职, 服务部和销售部, 主要为客户提供特定应用的帮助, 生产问题和工艺改进.

ATC网站权利 听现在


bt365体育娱乐 press brake expert John Meyer discusses press brake automatic tool changers, an increasingly popular technology used by fabricators to improve forming department productivity and efficiency. 约翰分享了不同类型的压闸atc, 他们可以解决的常见生产问题, 购买ATC时要考虑的问题, 它们如何影响生产, ATC技术的发展趋势, 和更多的.




bt365体育娱乐市场协调员, 玛丽Bopp, chats with 耗材 Product Group National Sales Manager, 乔治•约翰逊, 高级采购经理, 布莱恩•霍华德, 关于他们如何在今天的供应链中导航.


社交媒体的成功:Crotts & 桑德斯正在利用社交平台建立 & 建立客户关系


bt365体育娱乐市场协调员, 玛丽Bopp, 与Crotts and 桑德斯的市场协调员聊天, Shae多夫, about how they’re finding success with social media in the Manufacturing industry. 了解:

•克罗茨的历史 & 桑德斯


Maximizing 电火花 Productivity: How to Select the Right 技术 for the Job

bt365体育娱乐 电火花 Applications Engineer Trent Langellier discusses how to maximize wire 电火花 performance and productivity by using the right technology. 了解:




Many fabricators don’t realize the impact of laser consumables on machine performance, 寿命和盈利能力. bt365体育娱乐 consumables expert Berny Olguin shares his knowledge and insight based on nearly 20 years of experience helping fabricators get the most out of their laser investment.





在这一集里, bt365体育娱乐讨论了制造业中缺乏女性的问题, 更多女性从事制造业工作的重要性, and ways to do that for the benefit of individual businesses, 美国.S. 制造业,以及美国.S. 经济. Listen to our interviews with 明尼苏达州 college student Lindsey Lawton, Allison Grealis, 制造业女性组织主席, 还有乔伊·阿比特, BluTec机械公司的区域经理.



由两位制造业资深人士创立, 3 Phaze Fab focuses on its core strengths to succeed in a competitive and challenging manufacturing environment. Learn more by listening to this engaging discussion between 3 Phaze Fab co-owners Kurt Wollenberg and Tad Kallas and bt365体育娱乐 National 折弯机 Product Manager 大卫·布雷.



在这一集的第二部分, bt365体育娱乐’s 大卫·布雷 and Ranger HVAC Production Manager Ryan Schlarb dive a little deeper into how to eliminate production bottlenecks and why investing in equipment and smart technology is important to both getting and keeping customers.




智能技术如何刺激Ranger HVAC的增长

在最新一期的《365体育娱乐官网》节目中, bt365体育娱乐’s 大卫·布雷 and Ranger HVAC Production Manager Ryan Schlarb discuss how new machines and technology have allowed the Canadian company to expand its customer base–during a pandemic, 不.

Also covered: How to eliminate production bottlenecks and why investing in equipment and smart technology is important to both getting and keeping customers.


How investments in automation have helped Staub Manufacturing grow.

For most small- and mid-sized manufacturers, being competitive while turning a profit isn’t easy. 生存需要投资. Staub Manufacturing Solutions co-founder and President Steve Staub discuss how investments in automation have helped his company expand while also giving employees opportunities to grow their job responsibilities and increase their wages.



bt365体育娱乐压力机制动器产品经理的身份收听, 大卫·布雷, 与Wilson工具产品经理谈话, Steve Brown about how to select the right press brake tooling features for you and your company.




Listen in as Joe Gibbs Racing Technical Sponsorship and Marketing Director Mark Bringle gives a behind-the-scenes look at the manufacturing processes that have propelled top NASCAR drivers including Danny Hamlin, Kyle Busch和Marvin Truex, Jr. 胜利.



在这一集里, Cody Waggoner shares how he started and grew 激光nut into one of Southern 加州’s premier laser shops for the automotive industry. Cody还谈到了《bt365体育娱乐》, the team for which he competes in off-road vehicle “rock crawling” events, 以及他如何建立一个3,200 -square-foot container house on 10 acres in the Mojave Desert named 激光 Town.
